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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Chorus and who can join?

- The Hidden Hills Chorus is an ensemble or group of singers who enjoy making music with their voices! 

- Any student in 4th, 5th, or 6th Grade may join and are certainly welcome!

- Students will be introduced to a varied repertoire of music, including folk songs and popular songs that they may already be enjoying on the radio!

When and where will Chorus take place?

- Chorus will meet every week on Tuesday and Wednesday before school from 8:00-8:40 AM for a 40-minute rehearsal in the *New* Music Room (Rm 55) at Hidden Hills.

- Mr. Powell will open the gate near the Flow Zone at 7:50 AM to allow for the students to come in!

Will you get to perform for an audience?


YES, definitely! We are planning to have concerts during the Winter and Spring!

- Winter Concert: Thursday, December 13th, 2018 at 7 PM in the Hidden Hills MPR

- Spring Concert: Thursday, May 9th, 2019 at 7 PM in the Hidden Hills MPR

How do I sign my child up for Chorus?

Two Options:

- You may pick up a Sign-up form from the Front Office or Mr. Powell's Music Room (55) and return the bottom portion signed to Mr. Powell.

- You may print the form below by clicking on the 'Download' button and return the bottom portion signed to Mr. Powell. 

What is expected of me if I join Chorus?

- Chorus members are expected to come to all morning rehearsals and perform in any musical performances during the year.

- After 3 unexcused absences, Mr. Powell may ask that you be removed from the group. 

- You are expected to come to chorus with a positive attitude and be ready to have fun and work hard! 

- Self-control and respectful behavior are a must!

- Please understand that chorus is voluntary, so if poor behavior persists, the student will be asked to leave. the group.  

How much does it cost to participate in Chorus?

- There is a District $1 Club Fee and $5 Materials/Music Fee that can be attached to the form below. You can pay with cash or check.

 ***If you plan to pay by check(s), please write 2 checks (1 for each fee individually) and make them out to "Hidden Hills Elementary School". I apologize for the inconvenience! Thanks!***

- Please talk to Mr. Powell about purchasing a Chorus T-shirt for your child, if necessary. Generally, the Chorus T-shirts are $10.

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(Cancelled) Spring Chorus Concert in the MPR!

April 30, 2020

7:00 PM

Come watch the Hidden Hills Husky Harmony chorus sing in the Multi-Purpose Room (Cafeteria)

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